About caregiverbobby

As strokesurvivorannie's caregiver, I plan to use this corner to communicate tips for being a caregiver that are practical, authentic, helpful, optimistic, and share the humorous side. You get a different person back from the hospital. The elasticity of the brain will let the old and new personality develop, but you have to be patient.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Some locally heavy

It rained. Finally we will get a break in cedar (Mountain Juniper) fever season. Worst year ever since we haven’t had rain to wash down the trees. At least I’m not stuck indoors just because of the air. Cedar tree pollen for those that are sensitive gives flu like symptoms and makes everything itch. I mean itch – eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin – even my hair itches. Nothing seems to work against it as the pollen explodes in a yellow cloud from the trees and gets into everything. Pity party.
Being stuck indoors makes the home atmosphere a little heavy too. Too much “togetherness” builds too much time for analysis and the enticing “look-backs”. We’re close to six years into this and it still seems like yesterday when the crisis hit us. I suppose that is because it never goes away. One does not “get well” from an injury like this. One just adapts. Gabby Gifford steps down and now so will Senator Mark Kirk. I’m sure he’ll put up a good front like the Congressman Giffords but in the end they will be too fundamentally changed to handle the workload. Too many thought processes damaged or rerouted to be “there” for the demands of public interaction. We know and we sympathize with them. Still they will get to see another sunset, another star filled night and participate in life. That is a pretty fair trade.
So much for navel gazing. The skies are cloudy, more rain on the way and lots of work to do. Hard physical work and challenging mental work. My sculpture work is backlogged and a couple refurbishments beckon, consulting work goes on in business. Rehab is ongoing. The horizon still shines. Some locally heavy storms – we’ll just deal with them.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Doing the Heavy Lifting

I find a lot of analogies between my sculpture work and my care-giving duties. To say care-giving is heavy lifting might be an exaggeration but there are times when it is truly a burden. It has been said that any job can be done; all it takes is the right tools. My favorite tools for care-giving support are the “co-pilots”. It’s Monday and the Holidays are pretty much over. This morning Katherine came cheerfully bouncing in to help Annie with her day. They put away the minimal decorations and took off to get new tires on the car. From there it is to the grocery. Three things I didn’t want to do today are already done.
I’m building a gantry crane today and tomorrow. I need it to lift equipment and tools. The metal stores are still closed so today is more planning than building. My time is freed up to do the heavy lifting. Thanks co-pilots.